Business Intelligence

Digital marketing in Asia: Spotlight on Malaysia

For many global brands, trying to drive business through digital marketing in an unfamiliar country is a hefty challenge.

There are local languages, media platforms, and cultures to consider and so often it’s best to use a local or global agency, or not bother at all.

But in our digital age, it is possible to at least test a new market and decide on its potential with hard statistics.

What does the future hold for Data Management Platforms?

Data Management Platforms (DMPs) are, despite still being on the cutting edge of technology, beginning to move beyond the early adopter stage and are now showing real and serious business benefits.

Oracle/Econsultancy’s report ‘The Role of DMPs in The Era of Data-Driven Advertising’ highlights found that 20% of those surveyed have been using a DMP for four years, however despite this length of time DMPs are ever-evolving and growing ever more sophisticated.

This blog post examines how DMPs have changed and what the future holds for them.

Why call tracking is vital for accurate attribution modelling

So you’ve deliberated, cogitated and digested to the point that your performance marketing strategy is like a finely oiled machine.

Spend goes in at the top and leads and sales come out at the bottom.

You can plan your marketing budgets down to the nearest penny and just open your laptop to watch a series of real-time graphs and charts that keep going upwards and to the right as the month progresses, just like they did last month.

Marketing analytics: what your web traffic says about your business

In digital advertising, we have an uncommon ability to collect user data that’s superior to other forms of advertising data; particularly compared to what’s available in TV or print.

However, merely collecting the data can be overwhelming unless a marketing anthropologist can cut through the clutter and give meaning to what the data says about your business. 

Here are some tips on how to give meaning to your website traffic or advertising response data.