
How can digital brands adapt content strategy for high growth markets?

How can brands such as Amazon Prime and Netflix ensure they approach high growth markets fully prepared, to maximise the viable revenue opportunities on offer?

As advanced economies are rapidly reaching saturation point and consumer acquisition is becoming increasingly challenging, digital content brands seeking expansion have no option, but to look for new revenue streams.

Five digital trends for retail in the next five years

It appears the average consumer is no longer happy with an average shopping experience.

Forget simply buying online or having a casual browse in-store.

Now, shoppers expect one-click purchases and super-fast delivery, wrapped up in a multi-sensory, personalised and perfectly memorable experience.

Fintech startup Mondo provides slick, impressive UX: Review

Mondo has been billed as ”a bank that’s as smart as your phone. Built for your smartphone, this is banking like never before.”

The “easy-to-use’ app apparently updates your balance instantly, gives intelligent notifications and aspires to be the best bank on the planet.

Well, how could I resist?

Three marketing trends to watch in 2016

Every year, marketing managers identify their primary areas of focus for the coming year.

At a macro level, the same topics come up again and again – personalisation, mobile and social.

There’s a reason these three themes consistently keep recurring – their capabilities and their role in commerce marketing are continually evolving.