Privacy and data protection

Facebook will soon require marketers to confirm they have user consent for Custom Audiences

The long-term effects of Facebook’s ongoing data abuse crisis are still unclear, but one of the most popular and powerful tools Facebook offers marketers could be changing as a result.

According to reports that have since been confirmed by Facebook, the social media giant is planning to require that marketers using Custom Audiences certify to Facebook that they have obtained consent from the individuals whose data they provide to Facebook.

Facebook is in real trouble: What it could mean for marketers

The world’s most dominant social media company, Facebook, is facing the biggest crisis of its life after it was revealed that an outfit called Cambridge Analytica managed to obtain Facebook data for some 50m users under false pretenses.

The Cambridge Analytica story has sparked a fury and led to a still-ongoing stream of negative headlines for Facebook that is entering its second week.

GDPR: Why the opportunities far outweigh the costs

Instilling trust in users can be a significant challenge for marketers. Every one of us has at one time been fooled by a mis-sold product, over-hyped service, or B.S. guarantee. 

These lies are annoying and could lead to a financial loss. However, they all pale in comparison to a far more serious trust issue. One which is forefront in the consumer’s mind every time they have to hand over their email address, telephone number, or personal details.

The GDPR may be good for inbound marketers, but it’s no excuse for crap content

A marketing friend recently pointed out an observation: all the GDPR best practice guides are recommending the same thing. Namely, to go all in on inbound, content-led campaigns (so potential customers are willing to offer up their personal data).

This sent a bit of a shiver down my spine because, at one stage, the thing to go all in on was SEO. Or it was about going all in on social. Or a particular social network. And we all know how crammed full of noise and rubbish those quickly became.

Will digital phenotyping ever be applied to pharma marketing?

The landscape for pharma marketing is changing rapidly and pharma companies are being forced to rethink how and to whom they market.

For example, it’s now reasonable to talk about the possibility of a pharma company shunning sales reps entirely and instead using digital channels to reach healthcare professionals and patients directly – an approach that probably would have seemed unthinkable less than a decade ago.

GDPR: Webinar Resources

Webinar Recording Your GDPR Survival Pack Navigate your way through the GDPR with our handy survival pack. Report: A Marketer’s Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Elearning: GDPR Essentials for Marketers Online Classroom Elearning: GDPR microlearning modules Face to face training: GDPR for Marketers 

All the GDPR resources marketers need, in one place

In a recent Econsultancy survey, 67% of clientside marketers said they have at least partially read the ICO guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

But whether you have or haven’t read this excellent guide (it’s certainly the best starting point), there are plenty of other resources you will need access to if you really want to engage with the GDPR. Here’s a list of the ones I have found useful…