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Ask the experts: Blockchain and its use in marketing

Come on you reluctant marketers, you can only dismiss the utility of blockchain for so long without making an effort to properly understand it.

So here’s the article you need – a trio of marketing experts (who use blockchain) helping you to understand the possible use cases, challenges and opportunities of blockchain.

Four ways the blockchain could be applied to digital advertising

The astonishing rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in 2017 was arguably the trend of the year and the headlines keep coming in the first weeks of 2018.

While much of the interest in cryptocurrencies is purely financial – many new millionaires and even some billionaires have been minted in the past year – lots of observers believe that the blockchain technology behind cryptocurrencies could revolutionize many markets.

Marketing in the Dark: How organisations are dealing with dark data

According to research, 80% of all the data a company possesses is dark data – i.e. the unstructured and unanalysed data gathered from multiple operations and channels, including the social web, customer service, raw surveys, and more.

This finding comes from Econsultancy’s Marketing in the Dark report in association with IBM, which is based on an extensive survey of more than 1,000 marketers.

Could cryptojacking go legit and disrupt digital advertising?

The price of Bitcoin recently touched the $6,000 level for the first time ever, and this year has seen the cryptocurrency’s value jump by over 500%.

Given the rising fortunes of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, it’s no surprise that scammers have sought to capitalize. One of the ways they have attempted to cash in on the cryptocurrency craze is through a new phenomenon dubbed cryptojacking.

What advertisers need to know about Safari’s new anti-tracking feature

The digital ad industry is up in arms about a new Intelligent Tracking Prevention feature that is included in the latest version of Apple’s Safari browser.

The feature is now on millions of mobile and tablet devices as of the release of iOS 11 on Tuesday and will come to millions more later on September 25 with the release of macOS High Sierra.