Privacy and data protection

Brexit and the Digital Single Market: Three ways forward

Now that the dust has begun to settle from the UK’s Brexit referendum, I am seeing more and more measured articles discussing a number of vexing issues, including its impact on data protection legislation.

While I am not an EU attorney, I am a Chief Privacy Officer at a US based technology company and a privacy wonk, so I want to throw my unsolicited thoughts into the mix.

Personal data and privacy in the digital healthcare age

For athletes, competitors and data geeks, the opportunities to improve our health through personal data collection have never been more prevalent and affordable.

I use Fitbit religiously to track my steps, heart rate and sleep patterns.

I combine Fitbit with data from MapMyRun and MapMyRide, apps that collect running and biking data from geo-location info in my smartphone.

biometric technology

Key trends in online identity verification (so everybody knows you’re a dog)

Danny Bluestone, CEO of UX-driven digital transformation agency Cyber-Duck, looks at key trends in online identity verification. The Internet was once a more anonymous space. People hid their real identities, coming up with unique and sometimes bizarre pseudonyms to represent themselves on specific websites. As services and socialising shifted online, identifying each other digitally has become […]

Data can be toxic, here’s how companies should handle it

Data is the lifeblood of the digital economy and represents one of the most valuable assets a company can develop today.

But according to leading security expert Bruce Schneier, “data is a toxic asset and saving it is dangerous.”

Why? Saving data is dangerous because lots of people – including those with nefarious intentions – want it, it’s hard to secure, and once it falls into the wrong hands, the damage can be significant. 

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): what we know & what’s coming next

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – an EU-wide overhaul of consumer data laws aimed at strengthening the protection of people’s data privacy – was announced at the tail end of 2015.  

The new laws won’t be finalised until later this year, and won’t take effect for another two years after that.

But in a talk I attended at Data Protection 2016 on Friday, two leading government figures did their best to tell the audience what to expect and explain why the reform is happening. 

The five-point plan for data privacy & business

On Friday I attended a talk at Data Protection 2016 that was all about – you guessed it – data, but specifically how businesses can continue to thrive in the ever-evolving data economy.   

The talk from Ctrl-Shift CEO Liz Brandt covered five key action points that business and government need to tackle together in order to avert a future crisis.

I’m going to cover them in detail in this post.