Privacy and data protection

Is the healthcare industry prepared for wearables?

Despite growing consumer adoption of wearable devices, one of the groups with the most to gain – the healthcare industry – is still largely ill-prepared to take advantage of the opportunity.

In an online survey we conducted in September in partnership with Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide and OgilvyRED, just 5% of respondents indicated that their organizations were “very prepared” to develop patient insight from emerging data sources like wearables.

The end of the Safe Harbor Agreement: What next for digital marketing?

Businesses are reeling this week from the news that the European courts have ruled that data transfers to the US via the ‘Safe Harbor‘ agreement are no longer valid.

For digital marketers this news could spell trouble, with across-the-pond data movement being part of the modern digital landscape.

So is this the end of digital marketing as we know it, or just a storm in a tea cup?  

What brands can learn from the Ashley Madison hack

Ashley Madison, which proudly bills itself as “the most famous name in infidelity and married dating” is at the center of what might become one of the most talked-about hacking incidents ever.

The hack and subsequent release of the identities and personal information of tens of millions of people seeking extramarital affairs online has brought embarrassment to outed celebrities and politicians, and is already being blamed for at least two suicides.

What are internet consumers most concerned about online?

The latest update to our Internet Statistics Compendium contains another comprehensive collection of key data from across the digital landscape, including primary research from ourselves and partners, as well as third party trends from a wealth of sources.

In recent months, there have been some fascinating stats published concerning security and privacy online from analysts as diverse as Statista, Global Web Index and Center for the Digital Future.

Five key points from our personalisation roundtables in Singapore

Personalisation is widely accepted as an effective method of making marketing messages more relevant, which then helps to improve the impact and ROI.

But how can we move beyond basic tactics such as personalised email greetings and ‘users who bought this also bought’ product recommendations?

Why the future of marketing is already here

Our newly published Digital Trends briefing describes 2015 as a year when customer experience really takes hold and asserts its position as the key theme for marketers and digital professionals globally.

Other areas of focus such as ‘mobile’, ‘big data’ and ‘social’ are still widely regarded as exciting opportunities, but they are increasingly seen in a supporting role as part of the overarching mission to become more customer-centric.