Marketing Automation

Three marketing trends to watch in 2016

Every year, marketing managers identify their primary areas of focus for the coming year.

At a macro level, the same topics come up again and again – personalisation, mobile and social.

There’s a reason these three themes consistently keep recurring – their capabilities and their role in commerce marketing are continually evolving.

What were the key email marketing trends from 2015?

It’s basically Christmas already, so it’s time to look back at 2015 and mull over what’s occurred in digital marketing.

Email remains one of the most important channels in terms of driving traffic and sales, so I’ve asked several experts for their opinions on the most significant email marketing trends from this year.

10 things we learnt at the Festival of Marketing 2015

It has been three weeks since the Festival of Marketing, which I’m sure anyone who attended will agree was a really exciting couple of days. 

With the dust finally settled and the teams involved having just about recovered, I thought I’d put together a list of highlights from the two-day event. 

Should writers be worried about automated copywriting?

Unless you’re a reactionary, as a marketer you probably understand that automation is creating more jobs than it makes redundant.

Automation, for all the scale it enables, requires human mastery of technology, process flows and customer lifecycles.

Increasingly personal communications also entail the creation of more content, to suit each segment and event you identify.


Seven avoidable marketing automation mistakes

Over the past five years, marketing automation has ballooned into a billion pound industry.

Many businesses of all shapes and sizes have been drawn in by the potential upside of lead nurturing, lead scoring and triggered responses to critical prospect activities.

Marketing automation has promised the ability to bring efficiency and scale to marketing programs in a way that has, up until now, been impossible.

Customer experience: the trends, challenges and opportunities

I attended the Adobe Symposium 2015 in London a couple of weeks ago and caught up with John Travis, Adobe’s VP of EMEA Marketing. 

We spoke about customer experience: Its increasing importance within marketing, the way it is impacting the way we do business as a whole, and what brands can do to create a consistently positive experience for their customers. 

Seven steps to building a successful mobile data capture model

It’s no surprise that when an industry explodes, its marketing channels are inundated with new players and technologies.

This can also mean high fragmentation among systems as companies try to capitalise on every tool available to them in a rapidly expanding new ecosystem.

When it comes to mobile marketing, this phenomenon couldn’t be more true in the domain of data capture.