Marketing Automation

10 steps to email success at Christmas: part one

It’s warm outside and Christmas is far from most people’s minds at the moment. But for commerce marketers, it’s a different story. 

Retailers are already thinking about how they can captivate consumers and drive revenue this year.

With IMRG reporting that UK shoppers spent £21.6bn in the eight weeks running up to Christmas in 2014, it’s no surprise to see why it’s a priority now. 

Master the basics for CRM success in Asia-Pacific

With over 1.4bn internet users and booming economies, Asia-Pacific presents an exciting challenge for ecommerce brands.

To take advantage of this opportunity, many brands are adopting high-end CRM solutions that provide structure and efficiencies to improve marketing automation.

Email Marketing

More than just a name: why is the name of your email programme so important?

It sounds obvious but so many of us forget to focus on the objective whatever we are working on, an email campaign, a newsletter series or a solus email.

If you state your intent from the off, your path and destination (usually to conversion) are set. 

It often helps me to think of my objective as being two sides of the same coin. My aim is to sell to interested customers and those same customers are also looking to make a purchase of the product I am selling.