
How to crack China with programmatic ad buying

China’s unique ecosystem means that international brands can’t adopt a ‘business as usual’ approach to reach its tantalizingly large population.

Dr. Sara Ye, president of Chinese ad tech titan iPinYou’s international business, explains how to crack the People’s Republic with programmatic buying.

Q&A: Publicis’s Rishad Tobaccowala on digital transformation & agency double dealing

How do companies and people remain relevant during transformative times? Through reinvention.

It’s a topic that is dear to Publicis Groupe Chief Strategist Rishad Tobaccowala’s heart.

I spoke to him about the empowered consumer, the mass restructuring facing the TV industry and how agencies can rebuild trust when clients think they are double dealing. 

The programmatic hiring challenge: How to find and retain talent?

I’ve listened to programmatic experts discuss the problem of hiring an in-house programmatic team, and the consensus often seems to be threefold.

Hire people who know PPC, poach media-agency staff, or if that fails, hire young, smart people and train them up.

But what else is there to consider, not just attracting programmatic talent, but retaining it, too?

Programmatic in China: Seven things to know

It goes without saying that the Chinese display advertising market is huge and evolving quickly.

With the number of smartphone users comfortably exceeding 500m in 2016, Western brands in China are experimenting with programmatic to increase their reach.

Here are some key points about Chinese programmatic for the newcomer.

Making the business case for programmatic advertising

The first banner ad appeared on, the original website for Wired Magazine all the way back in 1994.

Since then, the time and attention that consumers have to see and consider advertising has reduced significantly.

This is for a number of reasons.