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Wesley Parker

About Wesley Parker

Wesley Parker is MD at Demandmore.

How weather-based bidding can help travel brands increase bookings

The effect of weather on purchasing decisions can be significant, especially in the travel sector, where travel companies see sales for overseas holidays soar when the weather here in the UK is poor.

Reacting to these changes in supply and demand in real time is key to maximising profitability and ensuring visibility in high conversion periods.


Four Google Adwords scripts that retailers can use to supercharge their summer sales

With the summer sales fast approaching it’s time to start gearing up in Google Ads.

In this post I’m going to share with you four great Adwords scripts that will help you increase conversion rates and make sure you’re responding to external factors that affect if a sale will take place, like weather conditions and if your TV ads are being shown at the same time users are searching for your brand online.


Demand-based bidding: A smarter way to run PPC campaigns

Most bidding in AdWords involves looking retrospectively at performance data and making bid changes to optimise towards a certain target.

But this approach seems a little backwards when you consider that it completely ignores changes in trading conditions that affect demand for products and services that are happening in real time.

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Can AI really be better at PPC than humans?

It’s no secret that AI and machine learning is topical right now in the PPC world with several large agencies bringing out their own AI and machine learning tools, with some even promising that they outperform humans.

In fact it is becoming commonplace for agencies to claim that they are driven by AI, but in reality this is very often not the case.


Are long tail keywords still important for PPC in 2017? A data-backed answer.

Long tail keywords are widely considered to be fundamental to search marketing success due to the low-cost traffic that they generate, however should this still be the case in 2017?

This article is going to analyze data from case studies conducted by Clicteq and PPC Hero that suggests that long tail keywords are now almost obsolete when it comes to AdWords.


Google’s new expanded PPC text ads: The impact on advertisers

New expanded text ads came out as part of Google’s latest changes in summer 2016 and will replace the old text format by January 31, 2017.

The new ad format has given advertisers another 35 characters to display their offer in the headline and has increased the description from two lines of 35 characters to one line of 80 characters, giving advertisers more space to display their features, benefits and calls to action.