
The 15 biggest moments in marketing since the launch of the iPhone

Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone in January of 2007.

It turned out to be an important moment in technology, society more generally and, ergo, for marketers, too. But what about in the intervening years (10 at time of writing), what were the biggest moments in marketing?

Here’s my attempt at a list of 15. In what you may think of as a cop out, I haven’t ranked each event (my head is safely below the parapet).

How financial services can keep up with the digital investor

Bank of Scotland, Halifax, Lloyds and Natwest have just announced over 200 branch closures collectively. Natwest says it’s a result of the ‘dramatic shift’ from face-to-face to online and mobile transactions.

Nothing new there… 32 of its branches went last year because of ‘increased use of digital banking’ and 300 as far back as 1996, as it rolled out new technology.