

The Great Firewall of China 2017 update: The good and the bad

The Great Firewall of China (GFW), called The Golden Shield Project in China, is a censorship and surveillance project which intends to block information and data which is considered unfavorable by the government.

Regardless of the politics behind it, the GFW is a nuisance for Western brands trying to access China as many of the sites which are used in the West are unavailable in the country.  These include core internet services such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Snapchat and YouTube as well as many Western publishers.


A recipe for the MarTech Layer Cake

Today’s “marketing stack” really consists of three individual layers.

Data management contains all of the “pipes” used to connect people and identity together; orchestration ties all the execution systems together to reach customers at the right time and channel; and AI is the brains behind the stack. 

The digital deluge is making a case for just-in-time marketing

Some of today’s most successful marketers can attribute their achievements to decade-old wisdom dating back to post-war Japan’s ‘just-in-time’ approach.

In those days, manufacturing organizations learned to trim their inventory and produce only what their customers demanded, at the right time, and with the highest level of quality.