
Win tickets to #FOM15 by guessing the secret speaker

It probably hasn’t escaped your attention that we’ll be hosting the Festival of Marketing on 11-12 November.

We’ve already announced a load of amazing speakers, including marketers from the world’s biggest brands plus a few star names with inspirational stories to tell.

But we’re not done yet, and there’s one more secret speaker we’re very excited about so we thought we’d reveal their identity via the medium of a ticket giveaway.

Ashley Friedlein’s top 10 unmissable talks at the Festival of Marketing 2015

Which ten sessions top my list to attend at the Festival of Marketing?

It’s a tough one. Partly because there are over 200 to choose from. Partly because I have programmed quite a few of the sessions so am biased. 

But I find I have had to fire Lord Sugar from my top 10 (sorry Sir Alan), and even Monica Lewinsky does not make the cut even though I’ve heard she is a great speaker. I have also cheated by sneaking in a few “honourable mentions” without counting them in my ten.

I like to attend a mix up the more serious, authoritative, immediately useful and valuable, with the new and inspiring. So I have grouped my ten picks under a few headings:

Digital transformation and planning next year’s training budget

It’s important to involve HR in your digital transformation plans so they’re on board with requirements that are likely to come their way in terms of resource and up-skilling. 

One thing we see often is the misunderstanding of what skills you need and that alignment with what’s insourced and outsourced as part of any transformation, since that will have an impact on the type of knowledge and capability you’ll need, either specialist (deep) or generalist (broad). 

Q&A: Allyson Stewart-Allen on how to succeed in a multichannel environment

Marketing in an increasingly multichannel environment is a complicated task.

Identifying where your customers are at all times, managing spend and strategy, handling device proliferation, marketing across borders… these are all essential factors in the modern landscape, but most important of all is rethinking previous assumptions and developing an entitrely customer-focused business.