
How marketing in the travel industry will change in 2013

With Wikipedia shaking up online travel with WikiVoyage, things are already changing in this essential industry at the start of 2013. As travel becomes more and more accessable and more competitive, how marketing in this space has to become more savvy and customer centric.

But what is actually going to change and how are marketers going to shift gears in the upcoming year?

Changes in technology for 2013

One of the biggest drivers for change often comes from the advances in technology. This is true for us as a society and us as marketers.

For instance, with the invention of smart phones, a whole industry bloomed and our behaviour changed. I, like most people, feel lost without that tiny computer in my pocket. Who prints off maps anymore?

Publishing and content in 2013

As companies begin to look at inhouse content creation, the lines have blurred between traditional publishing and brand publishing. It’s not enough to put out sub-standard content or rely on media outlets to tell brand stories.

While companies move into the publishing space, what will happen to this long standing industry?

Big data in 2013: experts’ view

Moving from conversations dominated by mobile to data, some marketers never want to hear the term ‘Big Data’ again. But with more and more companies in social and tag management utilizing the surge of data available to them, the big data conversation is not one that ended with the end of 2012.

We’ve already touched on big data with a post earlier this month by Patricio Robles on the challenges of big data in 2013, but this time we’re hearing from some of the experts.

Next year you will mostly be working on…

Last week we launched a competition where the prize was a pair of tickets for this week’s Future Of Digital Marketing event, one of the highlights of the Econsultancy calendar.

We asked the question: “What will you be focused on in the next year and why?” 

We received dozens of entries and I have compiled a bunch of them here to reveal three common themes. There are some outliers of course, but the following entries broadly reflect our audience’s focus on devices, channel integration and engagement strategies