Talent and recruitment

Can your LinkedIn company page replace your corporate website?

There is a debate among marketing and corporate communications professionals as to what is more engaging and important.

Is it your company’s LinkedIn page or your company’s website? Undoubtedly I believe that it is your LinkedIn company page and here‘s why.

Many people say that they have posted blogs and articles on their company website and very few people have read them let alone shared them. They are basically getting no engagement.

The answer to me is a pure numbers one. Build it and they will come is a myth. Build it and you have to spend dollars marketing it. However if someone else has already built a community that has more than 300m people, then why not focus on that? Or at give it attention alongside your corporate site?

Why companies should give digital marketers time off for training

No one can doubt the importance of enabling employees to develop themselves and learn new skills by attending relevant training sessions.

Not only does it improve productivity and encourage new ways of thinking, but it can have a positive impact on employee satisfaction as it aids career development.

However, in the day-to-day rush to get things done it’s easy to see training as a low priority.

Managers are under pressure to meet deadlines so feel they can’t afford to let staff take time out of the office for learning and development.

This is an understandable view point but one that is extremely short-sighted, as in the long term it will have a negative impact on productivity and staff retention.

So if you’re struggling to convince management of the need to allow staff time out of the office to attend training courses, here are a few arguments you can use to back up your case.

Client-side marketers earn more than their agency peers: report

If you want to be rich then you’re better off working client-side than in an agency, according to a new survey on marketing salaries.

Across all digital industries respondents working in-house earned more than people at the same level in agencies.

For example, the average salary for junior employees was £23,310 in agencies compared to £26,161 in client-side roles.

The gap was closest at senior level with agency respondents being paid £60,830 on average compared to £61,873 on client-side, but then the difference grew to roughly £20,000 at c-level (£95,212 vs. £114,199).

What are the essential skills for modern marketers? [infographic]

Looking to future proof your CV? Want to make sure your marketing team has the right mix of talent?

Our recent Skills of the Modern Marketer report defines the skills that senior marketers are seeking for their team. Both the broad knowledge areas and the deep vertical skills needed to be successful in marketing. 

As Neil Perkin’s blog post on the report mentioned last week, we also found a surprising focus on soft skills – in particular, adaptability, inquisitiveness and willingness to collaborate.

We created this infographic to summarise the findings of the report, based on interviews and a survey with senior level marketers. 

15 essential skills for modern marketers

What are the skills needed by marketers to be succesful in the future?

In our research for the Skills of the Modern Marketer report, we asked senior level marketers that question and have come up with 15 essential skills – organised into three ‘top five skills lists’ for marketing.

Why three lists? When we asked respondents about the skills essential to marketing there was a surprising focus placed on the soft skills.

So in addition to the usual broad knowledge areas and vertical skills areas, marketers need the right soft skills to be able to work across the organisation. The best ideas will founder without buy-in across the organisation and support from multiple teams.

Marketers also need to be able to adapt quickly in response to the rapid pace of change all around us.

So that leaves us with three top five lists, one each for soft skills, broad skills and technical skills.