Marketing Automation


Three bold marketing technology predictions for 2017

As the old proverb goes, it’s difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.

Yet as a new year starts, making predictions is part of our jobs. Priorities have to be set, budgets allocated, and resources diverted according to how things have changed over the past 12 months.


Three ways brands will use cognitive marketing

The age of artificial intelligence (AI) is upon us. In the past few years, vast improvements have been made in how well computers can recognise objects in images and understand human voices.

Progress in these areas has been made due to increased computing power and the availability of large stores of data, which, when combined, have made AI systems dramatically more effective.


The case for chatbots being the new apps – notes from #WebSummit2016

 “Bots are the new apps” according to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella in a keynote given at a Microsoft developer conference in March 2016.

On the basis of the amount of start-ups working on bot related activities at Web Summit 2016, it would seem as if bots may be about to become mainstream after all.

Three surefire ways to maximize your CRM’s effectiveness

CRMs are meant to be much more than a glorified contact management system, and if used correctly, can greatly increase business productivity and effectiveness. 

CRM software often have a multitude of features, many of which are rarely used by sales teams.

Here, we’ll take a look at three ways you can start getting the most out of your CRM, from automating actions to utilizing sales pipeline functionality for managing customer support.